Saturday, August 18, 2012

Misty Mengla

Our last stop before crossing into Laos was the small border town of Mengla. The main attraction was a place called Wang Tian Shu meaning 'trees touching the sky', about 45mins outside of town. Here there was a beautiful patch of rainforest through which they constructed a path..

Along the way there were many very entertaining signs with terribly translated English. The first one informed us how healthy it was for us to be breathing in all the anions that are found in nature...

Something here must have been lost in translation...

The seed from a rainforest tree.

We watched the leaves, but we didn't see any brains!

Mosses and liverworts.

We didn't really see anything dangerous around here...?

Make sure you fall in carefully!

It's very hard to see in this photo, but there was a man on a platform way up in one of these trees dressed completely in blue and yelling incomprehensibly every once in a while....China is a very strange place.

There was also a canopy walkway high up in the trees, which was a little too pricey for us.

After refusing most requests for a 'token foreigner' photo, I agreed to one.

On the way back we were lucky enough to catch a ride on a tour bus that had been hired by a very large Chinese family, for their vacation. Again we stayed in the bus station hotel except this one was a little cleaner with no cracked walls!

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