Saturday, August 18, 2012

Meandering in Menglun

We left Dali and 2 buses and 18 hours later we arrived in Jinghong, the major city in the Southern district of Xishuangbanna. We spent a very rainy day there recovering from our journey. The next morning we took a bus in the direction of the Laos border, to a small town called Menglun. We decided to go there in order to check out their famous botanical gardens. (Apologies for the vast number of plant photos)

Some amazing tropical plants from the gardens...

A weird spider.

An interesting glass walkway through the ponds.

A funny sign

Tiny purple mushrooms!

A good use for old cars.

What appeared to be a giant flower pot, but for trees.

Cycad trees.

A plant's reproductive structure.

Thick jungle

Giant lily pads!

Banana tree!

A pomelo tree.

A passion flower.

A caterpillar.

A crazy-looking spider!

Some shots from the large area of jungle at the edge of the gardens, the "Dreamlike Rainforest"


A fluffy caterpillar...that you really wouldn't want to pat.

After a long day exploring the Gardens, we ate some questionable street barbecue and then returned to our dingy room at the bus station hotel (our wall had a crack in it that was half-heartedly covered with a few pieces of tape). 

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