Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kruisin' Through Kunming

Our first stop in the great land of China was Kunming, located in Yunnan province. We arrived at the bus station in Kunming and were immediately immersed in a sea of Mandarin speaking touts. Luckily, we had our friend Bion's address written down in Chinese characters as well as his phone number, so we managed to get a taxi to his place without  issue.

On our first day in Kunming we went to explore the city a little. Our first stop was Green Lake Park, where many locals go to walk and relax. Some people feed the fish...

...and some people do synchronized dance.

We came across this disturbing machine next to all the arcade games! ...and yes those are actual cigarette packs.

A vendor selling corn cakes, peanuts and most importantly roasted chestnuts! Tasty!


Our next stop was a Buddhist temple, located in downtown Kunming.

What a goofy grin!

Temple turtles.

The many incense sticks that people light and leave as offerings.

For lunch we had some freshly made noodles from a Hui restaurant, one of the Muslim minorities in China.

After another day of sampling some of the amazing food Kunming had to offer, we hopped on a sleeper bus and headed into the mountains of Northwest Yunnan.

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