Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mellow Mui Ne

After Saigon we were eager to get out of this city and so we headed to the coastal town of Mui Ne. The beach was covered with a solid strip of hotels and restaurants, so you had to sneak through one to reach it. At this time of year the waves seemed to be consistently about 1m high and there was a strong current. It was nice to look at but not so great for swimming. 

This is at our favourite restaurant when we ordered pineapple ginseng milk. The fluorescent green beverage that arrived tasted a lot more like vanilla than pineapple...but it was still tasty.

It seems that Mui Ne is a hotspot for Russian tourists, as there were many menus available in Russian as well as some interesting advertisements...

We went on a tour to explore the sand dunes that surround Mui Ne.

Our tour started with a walk through the lovely 'Fairy Stream'.

There were dunes on either side.

There were also beautiful rock formations that lined the edge of the stream.

A view over a nearby fishing village.

Next we drove out to what are known as the 'White Dunes'.

We rented a quad to go bombing around in the dunes for a little while.

Dune jumping!

The last stop was the 'Red Dunes' for sunset.

...and some more dune jumping.

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