Friday, June 29, 2012

Hectic Ho Chi Minh City

After a very uncomfortable bus ride we arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon. We were tired after spending the night on a bus, but we decided to go do some sightseeing anyway. We hopped on a motorbike taxi over to the War Remnant Museum. In the front of the building there was a huge display of old military machines, including bombers, jet fighters, tanks and helicopters. They were pretty intimidating.

Inside were many displays showing the history of the war and the extent to which the Vietnamese people suffered. The darker coloured areas on this map show the parts of Vietnam that were bombed.

Exploded bombshells.

An account of one of many tragic days during the war. There were many shocking facts like this on the display at the museum.

An area after being hit with 'Agent Orange'.

It was uplifting to see how people from all around the world banded together to protest the war. This is a photo from a newspaper showing protesters in Cuba.

The streets of Saigon were extremely crowded and chaotic. It made walking around very difficult and quite unpleasant.

In the evening we went to the Benh Than Market for some dinner. Here is some very brightly coloured sweet sticky rice.

Pho! Probably the most popular Vietnamese dish, consisting of noodle soup with varying kinds of meat...tasty!

I guess they don't know the word for spring rolls...

A chef at one of the street-side restaurants.

Barbecuing up some frog!

The street our hotel was on. Our room was on the 5th floor of one of these very tall and narrow buildings.

We got an omelette sandwich from this old Vietnamese lady with her 'all-inclusive' cart. There are quite a few of these kitchen-on-wheels on the streets of Saigon.

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