Friday, June 22, 2012

Built-up Bangkok

After the island paradise of Koh Tao, it was time to head back to the big city. Bangkok was just as loud and built-up and we remembered it. When we arrived we headed back to the main tourist district on Khao San road where we stayed the first time we passed through the city.

A tasty $1 lunch at one of the main street-side restaurants, of fried tofu and veggies, with rambutans and some other very odd fruit on the side. 

Chao Phraya River.

A monastery we walked through in down-town Bangkok.

The odd-looking fruit again!

A golden Buddha statue

The monkey and dog bowing to a human...?

Chinatown in any big city can usually be counted on to provide some exotic food. Bangkok's chinatown is one-stop shopping for every manner of strange and unique food.

Seafood was on display in front of most of the restaurants.

This may be why sharks are going extinct.

Most of this stuff was impossible to identify...we're pretty sure none of it was vegetarian.

Mmmmm, chicken feet and salty dried fish!

This store specializes in bird's nests. Harvested with dubious methods in far away forests, they make a great soup, or cure for impotence some people believe...probably not the most sustainable source of food.

A gnarly blue-clawed shrimp.

We stopped at a fancy chinese restuarant and had the most succulent roast duck ever.

This is a thai pancake stall. they have a crispy outside and are filled with coconut shavings plus a variety of sweet and savory items.

A dessert stall with an assortment of very interesting items.

Dessert: barley, red kidney beans, thick rice noodles, ginkgo nuts, and lotus root in longan syrup. This tasted very odd, but was actually quite good

The best cheap food in Bangkok comes from cute little stalls like this.

This man is cutting up cow tongues to make a tasty soup.


Taling Chan (partially floating) market...

We couldn't identify any of this fruit, but it all looks quite good.

More thai pancakes! yay!

The floating part of the market...

No clue what this stuff is, but apparently it's edible.

An interesting assortment of musical instruments.

Eel looking creatures.

Tiny turtles for sale.

Some very brightly coloured desserts, made from coconut and peanut and coasted in gelatine.

More floating vendors.

The floating food court.

The Chatuchak Weekend Market...

Quail eggs.

Boat Noodles! This is one of the biggest pots we've ever seen.

The skull vendor!

Frozen bananas dipped in chocolate and nuts...very tasty!

An unidentifiable fried green kind of tasted like potato.

A blind musician rocking out on some kind of traditional Thai instrument.

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