Sunday, July 29, 2012

Superb Sapa

After a night on the twisty mountain roads we arrived in the town of Sapa (~1600m). We were immediately met by a very pushy Vietnamese lady who was very eager to show us her hotel. But, as good travellers should we looked around at a number of hotels before making our selection.

The view from our hotel window.

For lunch we sampled some of the local food, which consisted of various meats and vegetables being barbecued on the side of the road by Vietnamese women.

One of these items was a bright purple potato!

During a lull in the rain we went for a walk around the surrounding countryside.

We walked down to a waterfall at the base of Cat Cat Village.

This dog has some natty dreads!

The next day we decided to make an attempt on the highest summit in Vietnam, Mt. Fansipan (3140m).

Judging by the trail map the route to the top seemed very straight forward and so we thought there'd be no need for a guide. As we started out there was a clear trail and only a light sprinkling of rain.

Cardamom pods!

A cardamom patch.

The jungle was spectacular.

The rain picked up, and did not relent for the remainder of our hike.

A lycophyte.


Some lovely moss.

We followed the trail for a few hours, taking in the amazing jungle ecosystem. But then the trail branched and then branched again, and before long we had passed about 5 intersections that weren't on the map and had no signs indicating which way to go. For fear of getting lost in the Vietnamese wilderness we decided to turn back.

There were some breath-taking views on the ride back to town.

The next day it was raining a lot less and we hiked down to a beautiful waterfall.

Apparently this is the only way to shop in Sapa.

On our last day in Vietnam, the sun peaked out around the clouds and revealed more of this awesome landscape.